Hours turn into days, and the exhaustion has only began. With no help from the weather, the firefighters have this mess on their own...thanks for nothing, mother nature. Maybe it's just me, but it seems that there isn't much outside help being summoned. Being an Air Force Reserve firefighter (and prior active duty for 7 years), we were called up last year to go to Washington State, but never went. To be honest, I was kind of hoping to go since it's been a while since I last did a real wildland fire. I'm sure my thoughts about it would change my first minutes there back into it, but I got to admit...I love the job no matter what the task is. While stationed in Alaska, I was a part of about 6-7 wildland fires. Now, when I say 6-7, I mean real ones...with at least 1000 acres or more involved. My heart goes out to all the men and women that are out in the CA fires right now. I wish I could be there to help. But not getting the proper back up, has to be frustrating as heck. But it's sight's like this (pictured above) that make it all the worth while. Now, I've never seen the DC-10 up close, but many others to include a C-130. But what an intense moment when you see a tanker up close and personal. Again, when in Alaska, one even had a siren on it. I just remember hearing a siren in the immediate area, and we were far from any fire truck. Then seconds later the siren is loud, but quickly fades away with the sound of aircraft engines and prop wash. Truly, a moment to remember! Anyhow, I really hope the state and federal government gets off their you know what, and send these firefighters some well needed relief. Having to fight fire for 35 hours straight certainly isn't healthy!