I know it's been a while since I last threw in a post, but there has been many reasons why. For the past month, it seemed to be non-stop. Between reserves for a couple of weeks, then coming back to work the very next day after reserves. As if all that wasn't enough, I've worked about 4 overtimes since I've been back. So usually, I end up having about 1 or 2 days off during the week. And last week was insane. All day last Monday, we had a big inspection at work, so there was several timed drills that we participated in. Pictured here is me walking back to the standpipe to disconnect the two and a half inch supply line. We had just completed our interior drill which went (for the most part) flawless. After that, we had our exterior drill. Here's another picture of me pulling out our standpipe line again (below) about 150'.
Again, we had a damn near perfect time for our exterior drill so I guess we should have no complaints. As for the other shifts, they did awesome as well. From what I understand, out of all the VA Fire Departments, we are definately in the top 5, probably in the top 3 for overall departments. I'm just glad it's over with for at least another 3 or 4 years! Although, I have to admit, since we don't have a high call volume, it was a blast getting to do these timed drills. It gets the heart pumping, and adreniline running. Maybe now, we can finally start running some mutual aid calls for the township!! Somehow, I think our odds are better for hell freezing over!